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Paprika Recipes

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Recipes Featuring Paprika

  • Stuffed Green Peppers with Paprika Sauce
    Green peppers Filling: Pork Veal Rice Chopped onions Minced parsley Salt Pepper Nutmeg. Paprika Sauce: Carrots, diced Onions Ham Butter Flour Paprika Tomato sauce Stock
  • Fish Pudding, American Style, with Paprika Cream Sauce
    1 striped bass (4 pounds) 1 large onion (chopped) 3 eggs 1/2 pint cream, 30% Salt and pepper A little butter
  • Paprika Style Chicken
    1 roasting chicken, 4 pounds Salt, pepper, flour 2 tablespoons butter 1 onion, chopped fine 1/4 pound salt pork, diced 1 tablespoon paprika 3 tablespoons flour Few stems parsley 2 cloves 1 p
  • Chicken, Paprika or Hungarian
    Chicken Butter or fat 1 large onion, chopped 2 dessert-spoons of paprika Salt 1 cup soured cream Thick Noodle (galushka)
  • Paprika Schnitzel
    1 1/2 pound leg of veal 2 tablespoons salt Strips of fat back 1 ounce onions 3 tablespoons butter 2 tablespoons flour 1/2 cup cream Pinch paprika 1 tablespoon vinegar Salt
  • Hot Chicken Sandwich Victoria
    1 small onion, chopped 1/4 pound mushrooms 3/4 cup butter 1/2 cup flour 1 quart chicken stock 1/2 pound cooked chicken 1 cup cooked peas 2 cups tomato puree 1 teaspoon salt 1/4 teaspoon peppe
  • Oyster Soup, Amsterdam Style
    1 quart oysters 2 cups water 3 tablespoons butter 3 tablespoons flour 1 cup cream 20% 1/2 teaspoon salt 1/4 teaspoon paprika Pinch celery salt
  • Crab Tomato Aspic
    First group: 1 can tomatoes 1 onion 3 bay leaves 6 cloves Celery stalks or tops Second group: 1 Tbsp salt 1/4 cup sugar Bit of paprika 1 1/2 envelope gelatine Crab meat, cut up Lettuce l
  • Mushroom Consomme
    1/4 pound mushrooms 1 quart chicken stock 2 tablespoons whipped cream 1/8 teaspoon paprika
  • Homemade Pork Goulash
    14 1/2 pounds meat (pork, veal or beef) 1 pound butter 6 pounds onions, sliced 10 pounds sauerkraut 10 teaspoons salt 1 teaspoon pepper 10 teaspoons paprika 1 pint sour cream

About Paprika

  • Some people believe that the American version of paprika is much more bland than the Hungarian version
  • Paprika loses its flavor quickly, so if your paprika is not adding any flavor to your cooking, it may be too old
  • Spanish smoked paprika has a distinct smoky flavor while traditional Hungarian paprika is sweeter and less powerful when added to a dish
  • Paprika is a Hungarian spice and is often used in goulash which is a soup known to Hungarian people as "paprika"
  • The pepper that is the source of paprika is often called the "paprika pepper" and is classified as Capsicum
  • Paprika is created by grinding sweet, dried, red peppers
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