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Liver Recipes

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Recipes Featuring Liver

  • Glazed Veal Mignons with Liver Mousse
    Veal loin Salt and pepper Calf's bones Greens 1 cup of hot stock 2 teaspoons gelatine 1 tablespoon cold water 1 1/2 to 2 teaspoons softened gelatine Mousse: 3/4 pound calf's liver /4 pou
  • Swiss Liver
    1-1/2 - 2 lbs liver, sliced into strips 3 Tbsp butter 2 Tbsp onion, minced 6 ounce can mushrooms, drained & sliced (reserve the juice) 1/4 tsp pepper 3/4 tsp salt 3/4 tsp sugar 1/4 tsp leaf tar
  • Omelet with Calf's Liver and Mushrooms
    Slice of calf's liver, cubed Flour Salt and pepper Butter Mushrooms Madeira Paprika
  • Liver & Onions
    Liver, cut in small pieces Flour Drippings Onions, thinly sliced 2 cups tomato pulp, strained
  • Crab Soup with Marrow or Liver Dumplings
    24 small crabs 1/4 pound butter 2 1/2 quarts bouillon Pinch white pepper
  • Fried Liver and Bacon
    1 pound calf's liver Salt Pepper 1/2 pound bacon 1 Tbsp flour Parsley, for garnishing
  • Calf's Liver & Bacon | Calf's liver
    Calf's liver 3-4 thin slices bacon Pepper Salt For the gravy: Bacon grease 2 ounces butter 1 Tbsp flour 1 cup water Salt Pepper
  • Liver Dumplings
    1 1/4 pound calf's liver 1/2 pound bacon 3 French rolls 4 tablespoons butter 1/2 onion 4 eggs, beaten Salt, pepper Nutmeg 2 cups flour 3 quarts bouillon or salt water
  • Liver and Pork Cutlets
    1/2 pound calf's liver 1/2 pound pork Butter
  • Calf's Liver, Alsatienne
    calf's liver French mustard Flour Butter

About Liver

  • Liver is best if cooked and eaten on the day it is purchased but you can store in the refrigerator for 48 hours
  • Select liver meat that is extremely fresh: Firm, glistening, and deep red in color
  • Liver can be overcooked very easily so slice thin and fry for a brief period
  • Soaking liver in milk is an old fashioned practice designed to reduce the strong flavor but modern beef liver is bred so that the flavor is mild
  • Beef liver is lower in calories and fat than many other beef products
  • The significant downside of regular liver consumption is that it is high in cholesterol
  • Liver is one of the most potent sources of vitamin B-12 which is excellent for the nervous system and blood circulation
  • Beef liver is packed with protein and essential amino acids
  • Calves' liver is considered by most chefs to be more tender and mild flavored than other types of liver
  • Beef liver contains has 4 times more iron content than red meat
  • The liver stores many of the animal's valuable nutrients such as vitamins A, D, E, B12 and folic acid
  • The role of the liver is to neutralize toxins, but it does not store toxins
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