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Chocolate Recipes

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Recipes Featuring Chocolate

About Chocolate

  • Chocolate has been linked to improved mood and emotional state because many scientists believe it boosts endorphin and serotonin levels in the brain
  • Dark chocolate has a higher ratio of cacao solids and lower ratio of milk and cacao butter than milk chocolate
  • Dark chocolate can increase the blood flow to arteries, and the entire circulatory system
  • Dark chocolate contains high antioxidant content which lowers LDL "bad" cholesterol
  • Rudolphe Lindt developed a process of using heat and friction to create the smooth chocolate product that we enjoy today
  • John Cadbury was one of the first chocolate makers in England and produced chocolate for Queen Victoria
  • The production of chocolate expanded dramatically when a Dutch scientist figured out how to make chocolate powder in the early 1800's
  • Chocolate was enjoyed strictly by royalty in Europe as a drink with amazing health benefits
  • Cacao butter is the natural fat found in the cacao seed also known as the 'Nib'
  • The custom of drinking chocolate was passed along from the Mayans to the Europeans
  • The cacao tree which bears the fruit that is needed to make chocolate is indigenous to South America and is known as Theobroma cacao
  • Chocolate is created by extracting the seeds of the cacao pod, then sunning and fermenting the product
  • The Mayans and the Aztecs consumed chocolate in magnificent quantities and often enjoyed it as a cold and spicy drink
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