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Carrots Recipes

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Recipes Featuring Carrots

  • Sweet Pickled Carrots
    3 pounds Carrots 1 tablespoon whole cloves 3 tablespoons stick cinnamon 2cups vinegar 2 cups white sugar 1 cup brown sugar
  • Stewed Carrots | Carrots, scraped & washed
    Carrots, scraped & washed 3 ounces butter 1 Tbsp flour 1/2 cup cream Salt Pepper 1 Tbsp parsley, chopped (optional)
  • Baked Carrots
    3 or 4 good sized carrots Seasoning Cracker of bread crumbs Butter
  • Creamed Carrots
    4 cups carrots 1 tablespoon butter 1 tablespoon flour Salt and pepper
  • Creamed Young Carrots
    Young carrots 1 tablespoon butter Hot water Salt and pepper 4 tablespoon cream 1 teaspoon chopped parsley Beaten yolks of 2 eggs
  • Carrots and Corn
    6 young carrots Cream or milk 6 Ears of corn Butter Seasoning
  • Carrots with White Sauce
    1 pint carrots, scraped lightly & diced Salt 1 Tbsp butter 1 tsp sugar 1/2 tsp salt 1/2 cup meat stock
  • Carrots & Peas in Croustades
    4 croustades Cooked carrots, diced Cooked peas White sauce (see White Sauce for Creamed Meats, Fish, Vegetables & Toast recipe) For the croustades: Bread
  • Peas & Carrots
    5-6 good sized carrots, diced Salt 1 can peas 1 cup milk 1 heaping tsp flour 1 heaping tsp butter Pepper
  • Stewed Carrots | Carrots
    Carrots Weak broth Salt Butter 2 tsps flour Pepper
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