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Carrots and Corn

  • 6 young carrots
  • Cream or milk
  • 6 Ears of corn
  • Butter
  • Seasoning
Scrub and dice carrots, cover with salt water, and set over fire. While carrots are cooking, prepare the corn. Scrape off the kernels with the back of a silver knife. Be sure to get all the milk that is in the corn. When carrots are nearly done, turn corn into them without emptying the water in which they are cooking. Add cream and butter until you have enough liquor, delicately sprinkle with seasoning and cook 5 minutes, when the corn should be done. Canned corn may be used if fresh corn is not available.
Submitted by Cassyjean - Torrington, CT Jul 30, 2009 15 min 30 min 45 min
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