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Turnips Recipes

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Recipes Featuring Turnips

  • Boiled Beef & Turnips
    Brisket or breast of beef Water 1/2 dozen turnips, peeled & sliced 4 ounces milk Pepper Salt
  • Creamed Turnips
    3 cups turnips, diced 1 Tbsp butter 1 Tbsp flour 1 cup milk Salt Pepper
  • Turnips a la Creme
    Small turnips Salt 1 ounce butter 2 tsps flour Pepper Salt Nutmeg, grated Milk or cream
  • Turnips a la Maitre
    Small turnips Salt Butter Parsley, chopped Pepper Salt Lemon juice
  • Boiled Turnips
    Turnips Salt Butter Pepper Salt 1 tsp sugar
  • Savory Turnips
    3 pounds turnips 1 1/2 pound onions 1 pound potatoes pepper and salt Flour
  • Piedmontese Turnips
    Turnips Butter Milk or cream Pepper Salt Bread crumbs Grated cheese
  • Turnips
    6 large turnips 3 ounces butter 1/2 pint weak stock 1 Tbsp flour Pepper Salt
  • Turnips | Turnips
    Turnips 1 cup cream 1 spoonful butter Pepper Salt
  • Stewed Turnips
    5-6 Turnips Salt 4 ounces cream or milk 1 Tbsp butter Red pepper Black pepper

About Turnips

  • The smaller turnips found in the fall/spring are the most flavorful and easiest to cook with
  • The turnip is in the same family as the radish and arugula
  • The American Diabetes Association includes turnips on their list of non-starchy foods with low glycemic index
  • Turnips have lower carbohydrate content than potatoes
  • Turnips are known as "Neeps" in Scotland
  • Roasting a turnip will keep the nutrients and produce a sweet flavor
  • When selecting at the grocery store, look a for smooth, small, dense turnip with bright green leaves
  • Turnips are packed with antioxidants: vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin E, beta-carotene and manganese
  • Turnip greens contain glucosinolates which have powerful cancer prevention properties
  • Turnips are in the same family of vegetables as cabbage, kale, and brussels sprouts
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