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Salmon Recipes

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Recipes Featuring Salmon

  • Salmon Soup
    1/3 can salmon 1 quart scalded milk 2 Tbsps butter 4 Tbsps flour 1 1/2 tsp salt Pepper to taste
  • Salmon Salad Molds
    1 cup cold, cooked salmon 1/2 Tbsp lemon juice 1/2 tsp parsley 2 drops Tabasco sauce 1 Tbsp gelatin, dissolved in a little water Salad dressing Lettuce leaves
  • Salmon Salad | 1 can salmon
    1 can salmon 5 hard boiled eggs 1 teaspoon of prepared mustard 4 tablespoons vinegar 1 1/2 teaspoons celery seed
  • Salmon Soup | 1 cup cooked salmon
    1 cup cooked salmon 1 pint milk 1 tablespoon butter 1 tablespoonful flour Salt and pepper to taste 1 bay leaf 1 sprig parsley 1 slice onion
  • Steamed Salmon
    1 can of salmon 1 cup of fine bread crumbs 1 teaspoon of chopped parsley 2 eggs 1 tablespoon melted butter A little milk
  • Pickled Salmon | Salmon
    Salmon Vinegar Spice
  • Sauce for Salmon and other Fish
    1 cup milk 1 Tbsp cornstarch Liquor from the salmon 1 Tbsp butter 1 egg, lightly beaten Juice of 1/2 lemon Mace Cayenne pepper
  • Baked Salmon and Spaghetti
    3 cups cooked spaghetti 1 cup canned salmon 1 1/2 cups milk 1 tsp salt 1/2 tsp pepper 3/4 tsp paprika 1/2 green pepper, finely chopped 1/2 cup dry bread crumbs 2 Tbsps butter, fat, or oil
  • Honey dijon salmon
    1 1/3 lbs salmon 1 1/2 tsp garlic powder 1 Tb dijon mustard 1 Tb honey 1 Tb grated lemon peel 1/4 tsp ground pepper
  • Salmon Mousse with Eggs
    6 soft-cooked eggs (8 minute) 1 slice fresh boiled salmon 2 tablespoons butter Salt and pepper 2 tablespoons cream 2 tablespoons cold white sauce Few drops pink coloring

About Salmon

  • Some evidence shows that wild-caught salmon is healthier than farmed salmon
  • Almost all Alaskan salmon is wild-caught
  • Some people believe that farming salmon is not good for the ecosystem
  • Atlantic salmon has been over-fished and is found in small numbers in U.S. waters
  • Most salmon products sold in stores and restaurants are farmed, not caught in the wild
  • Most farmed salmon comes from Scotland, Norway, and Chile
  • Your skin can benefit from eating salmon because the omega-3 content keeps the skin moist and promotes strong collagen
  • Salmon is incredibly high in omega-3 fatty acids which improves heart health and lowers dangerous triglycerides
  • Salmon is good for the eyes because it prevents macular degeneration and reduces the inflammation that causes dry eye
  • Salmon is high in DHA (docosahexaenoic acid) which is needed for brain health - particularly in elderly people
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