Codfish Recipes
51 Recipes Next Page >>Recipes Featuring Codfish
- Codfish Balls
15 pounds codfish 15 pounds mashed steamed potatoes 3/8 pound butter 1 cup scalded milk salt Pepper if desired 15 eggs 2 cups cream sauce Onion Juice (very Little) - Boiled Codfish
Codfish Salt Parsley Hard boiled eggs - Nantucket Codfish
Codfish Milk Butter Pepper Flour - Codfish Balls | 1 pint codfish
1 pint codfish 2 pints raw potatoes cut into small pieces 2 eggs 1/2 cup butter Salt and pepper - Codfish Balls | Mashed potatoes
Mashed potatoes Shredded codfish Egg, whipped Bread crumbs Butter or lard Parsley - Creamed Codfish & Macaroni
1 cup creamed salt codfish 1 cup cooked macaroni or macaroni & cheese Scrambled eggs - Codfish Fritters
Strips of salt codfish 2 Tbsps flour 1 egg 1/2 cup milk Frying fat - New England Style Boiled Salt Codfish
Salt codfish Drawn butter gravy (see Drawn Butter Sauce recipe) - Boiled Salt Codfish (New England Style)
Salt codfish - New England Style Codfish Steakj
Medium-sized codfish Salt 1 lb bacon, diced Corn meal Lemon juice Dash pepper, freshly ground
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