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Walnuts Recipes

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Recipes Featuring Walnuts

  • Walnuts and Potatoes
    6 tablespoons ground English walnuts 3 cups cooked potatoes 1/2 pound tomatoes 1 onion
  • Sugar Coated Walnuts
    1 cup sugar 1/2 cup water 1/2 cup walnuts
  • Pickled Walnuts | Salt
    Salt Water Walnuts For the pickle: Cider vinegar Black pepper Ginger Salt Allspice Cayenne pepper
  • Jellied Walnuts
    1/4 box gelatine or 1 tablespoon granulated gelatine 1/4 cup cold water 1/3 cup boiling water 3/4 cup sugar 1/2 cup Sherry Wine 1/2 cup orange juice 3 tablespoons lemon juice
  • Pickled Walnuts | Walnuts
    Walnuts Pickle Vinegar 1 gallon cider vinegar 1 ounce whole pepper 1 ounce cloves 1/2 ounce mace 1/2 ounce nutmeg Mustard seed
  • Pickled Walnuts
    50 walnuts Vinegar Black pepper Allspice Ginger, bruised Salt Water
  • Candied English Walnuts
    1 1/2 cups granulated sugar 1/2 cup water 1 pint walnut meat, shelled
  • Pickled Walnuts | Walnuts
    Walnuts Brine Vinegar
  • Maple Walnuts
    1 egg whitePowdered sugar Walnut meat 2 Tbsps maple sugar 1 Tbsp water
  • Pickled Butternuts and Walnuts
    100 butternuts and walnuts Brine 1 ounce black pepper 1 ounce ginger root 1/2 ounce cloves 1/2 ounce mace 1/2 ounce nutmeg 2 large spoonfuls mustard seed 1 gallon cider vinegar

About Walnuts

  • A study from the University of Scranton indicates that walnuts contain double the antioxidant value of other nuts which is helpful in fighting cancer cells
  • The Journal of the American College of Nutrition produced a study that indicates walnuts have a stress-reducing effect
  • A Harvard School of Public health study indicates that regular consumption of walnuts by women can reduce the risk of diabetes significantly
  • The FDA suggests daily consumption of walnuts to avoid heart disease
  • Walnut oil is a wonderful addition to a salad
  • Some people avoid shelled walnut products because they are dipped in unhealthy chemicals to loosen the shells
  • Walnuts with darker skin have been grown on the bright side of the tree and are more flavorful
  • The word "Walnut" translates to the nut of Jupiter or the nut of the Gods
  • California is responsible for almost all USA walnuts and 75% of the world's commercial walnut production
  • California-grown walnuts are considered to be among the best in the world
  • The walnut is often referred to as the Persian Walnut because that's where it originated and was a food for the royalty
  • Walnut consumption dates back to 7000 B.C. and is the first tree food known to man
  • A study at Penn State concluded that walnuts can prepare your body to handle stress
  • Walnuts are high in Omega 3 fatty acids
  • The Mayo clinic and the FDA suggest that eating walnuts reduces your risk of heart disease
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