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Corn starch Recipes

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Recipes Featuring Corn starch

  • Corn Starch Cake
    2 coffee cups powdered sugar 3/4 cups butter 1 cup Kingsford's corn starch 1 cup of sweet milk 2 cups of flour, 7 eggs 2 heaping teaspoons of baking powder
  • Corn Starch Pudding | 4 ounces cornstarch
    4 ounces cornstarch 1 1/2 pints boiling water 2 cups white sugar Juice of a large lemon Rind of a large lemon, grated 3 egg yolks, beaten Crust 3 egg whites Powdered sugar
  • Corn Starch Pudding | 1 quart milk
    1 quart milk 3 Tbsp cornstarch 4 Tbsp sugar 5 egg yolks, beaten Pinch of salt 5 egg whites Powdered sugar
  • Corn Starch Pudding
    3 cups mils 1 teaspoon vanilla 2 eggs, beaten light 2 tablespoons corn starch in a little milk 1/2 cup of sugar
  • Corn Starch Sponge Cake
    1 cup pulverized sugar 1/2 cup flour 1/2 cup corn starch 1 teaspoon of flavoring 2 teaspoon baking powder 8 whites of eggs, well beaten
  • Chocolate Pie | 2 cups milk
    2 cups milk Yolks of 2 eggs 2/3 of a cup of sugar 2 tablespoons of corn starch 2 tablespoons of grated chocolate 2 tablespoons of white sugar
  • Corn-Starch Pie
    1 pint of milk 3 tablespoons of sugar 2 eggs 2 tablespoons of corn starch 2 tablespoons of sugar
  • Gooseberry Pie | Gooseberries
    Gooseberries 1 tablespoon of corn starch 1 cup of sugar 2 crusts
  • Orange Pie | 1 cup sugar
    1 cup sugar 1 tablespoon butter 1 tablespoon corn starch 1 teacup boiling water 3 eggs 1 orange
  • Pineapple Tarts
    Puff paste Pineapple 1/2 cup of sugar Corn starch
Recipe Rascal