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Celery Recipes

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Recipes Featuring Celery

  • Celery and Cheese
    Celery Cream Cheese French Dressing
  • Celery, Viennoise
    1 celery stalk French dressing Lemon juice Vinega Fresh-ground pepper. Anchovies Red pepper
  • Celery Salad | 1/2 dozen heads of celery
    1/2 dozen heads of celery 1 egg 1 teaspoon of mustard Salt Pepper 2 lemons 2 tablespoons of wate 3 ounces of salad oil Hot water
  • Apple-and -Celery Salad
    1 cup diced apples 1 cup diced celery Boiled salad dressing Lettuce
  • Celery Salad
    1 1/2 cup dices celery 1/2 cup diced radishes 2 tablespoon chopped onion Salad dressing Lettuce
  • Celery Sauce, No.2 | Head of celery
    Head of celery 1 egg yolk Juice of 1 lemon Salt Pepper 2 Tbsps liquor
  • Nut and Celery Loaf
    1 1/2 cups ground celery 3 tablespoons minced parsley 1 large onion, ground 1/2 green pepper, ground 3/4 cup ground walnuts or pecans 1 cup ground dry, whole wheat bread 2 eggs, beaten 1 teaspo
  • Celery Knobs, Italienne
    Celery knobs Salted water Chopped parsley Sauce Italienne: Chopped shallots Butter Chopped mushrooms 1/2 glass white wine Tomato sauce Brown sauce
  • Celery Soup | 1/2 cup large barley
    1/2 cup large barley celery roots
  • Cream of Celery Soup
    3 cups celery cut in pieces 2 cups boiling water 1/2 tsp salt 2 Tbsps flour 2 Tbsps butter 2 cups milk 1/8 tsp pepper

About Celery

  • Celery contains plant hormones that relax the nerves
  • Celery is an effective food for weight loss because it is low in calories but is somewhat filling due to the cellulose
  • Celery is over 90% water and is loaded with fiber
  • Celery seeds can be used to treat arthritis, rheumatism, and gout
  • Chinese celery is common to stir fry and soup, and has a much stronger flavor than American celery
  • The origin of celery is widely considered to be the Mediterranean region
  • The root of celery is commonly used in European cooking but not in America
  • The people of Ancient Greece believed celery was holy and sometimes wore it around their necks
  • Celery was used in ancient times for medicinal purposes
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