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Black pepper Recipes

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Recipes Featuring Black pepper

  • Cold Tomato Catsup
    4 quarts ripe tomatoes, finely cut 1/2 gallon vinegar 4 ounces salt 4 ounces mustard, finely grounded 4 pods red pepper, finely cut 3 Tbsps black pepper Handful of celery seed 1 cup horseradish
  • Chow-chow Pickle | 1 gallon cabbage, chopped
    1 gallon cabbage, chopped 4 onions 2 lbs brown sugar 2 pints strong vinegar 2 Tbsps black pepper 2 Tbsps allspice 2 Tbsps celery seed 1/2 pint mustard seed 1 Tbsp ground mustard
  • Pickled Butternuts and Walnuts
    100 butternuts and walnuts Brine 1 ounce black pepper 1 ounce ginger root 1/2 ounce cloves 1/2 ounce mace 1/2 ounce nutmeg 2 large spoonfuls mustard seed 1 gallon cider vinegar
  • Turtle Soup | 2 1/2 quarts turtle soup
    2 1/2 quarts turtle soup 1 ounce mace 2 tsps allspice 1 tsp cloves Black pepper Cayenne pepper Salt Parsley Thyme Onion 2 Tbsps flour 1 Tbsp brown sugar 4 Tbsps water 1/2 pint Madeira win
  • Deaf in the Kitchen ~ Parmesan Crusted and Cheddar Tilapia Bake
    INGREDIENTS ~ 2 lbs tilapia fillets (orange roughy, cod or red snapper can be substituted) 2 tablespoons lemon juice 1/2 cup grated Parmesan cheese 4 tablespoons butter, room temperature 3 ta
  • Oyster Soup | 100 oysters
    100 oysters 1 tsp salt 1 Tbsp black pepper 1/4 lb butter 3 egg yolks, well beaten 1 pint milk 3 Tbsps flour
  • Farmhouse Ribs
    2 1/2-3 lbs country-style pork ribs 1 Tbsp oil 1 medium onion, sliced 2 apples, cut into wedges For the sauce: 1/3 cup mild soy sauce 1/3 cup tomato ketchup 1 Tbsp dry mustard 3 Tbsp brown s
  • Veal Hash on Toast
    4 ounces boiling water 1 tsp flour 1/2 tsp black pepper 1/2 tsp salt 2 Tbsps butter Veal, finely chopped Bread crumbs Slices of toast
  • Bear Chop or Steak
    Chops or steaks from the rump of bear (1 per person) Olive oil Lemon juice Chopped shallots Thyme Basil Black pepper Salt and bay leaves Sweet potatoes
  • Green Pickle | Cucumbers, snaps, etc
    Cucumbers, snaps, etc Brine Grape leaves Weak vinegar 2 tsps powdered alum Cider vinegar Seasoning: 2 ounces mace 1/2 lb ginger, scalded & sliced 2 ounces cloves 2 ounces cinnamon 2 ounce

About Black pepper

  • Most culinary experts advise against buying pre-ground pepper
  • Black pepper has antioxidant and antibacterial properties
  • Black pepper is considered by many people to be a carminitive which means it prevents intestinal gas
  • Black pepper helps with digestion because it stimulates the taste buds and generates hydrochloric acid in the stomach
  • Black pepper has no calories and is a source of manganese, iron, and fiber
  • Many ancient cultures presented peppercorns to the Gods as a sacred offering
  • Cultivation of peppercorns began in India and is still produced there as well as Indonesia, Malaysia, Madagascar, Vietnam, and Cambodia
  • Black peppercorns are picked from the vine before the berry becomes ripe, then boiled and fermented
  • There are many varieties of black pepper, most of which are named after the region of origin: Malabar, Tellicherry, Sarawak Black, Lampong, Vietnamese, Talamanca Del Caribe, Madagasacar, Kampot, etc.
  • Black pepper is the most popular variety in America
  • The outer shell of the peppercorn seals in the freshness of the spice, so the best flavor comes from freshly cracked pepper
  • Pepper has been a valuable commodity for thousands of years and is still considered the king of spices
  • Black pepper is cracked seeds from an Indian vine called Piper Negrum
  • Only water and salt are more common cooking ingredients than black pepper
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