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Bacon Recipes

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Recipes Featuring Bacon

About Bacon

  • Bacon has become increasingly more popular since the 1980's and is now featured in dishes such as chicken fried bacon, bacon ice cream, and chocolate covered bacon
  • An American Journal of Clinical Nutrition study indicated that a person who consumes more than 4 servings of Bacon per week has an increased risk of bladder cancer
  • The World Cancer Research Fund found that the daily consumption of 150 grams of processed meats per day (about 6 strips of bacon) will increase the risk of pancreatic cancer by 50% or more
  • Studies have shown that people who regularly consume processed meat are more than 40 percent more likely to die prematurely
  • The American Institute for Cancer Research states that two strips of bacon per day can raise your risk of colorectal cancer by more than 20 percent
  • Bacon is high in saturated fat which raises your bad cholesterol and is harmful to your heart function
  • Almost 70% of the calories in bacon come from fat
  • The bacon we know today originated in the 1700's when the side of the pork was cured with salt and pigs were bred specifically for this type of meat
  • The Chinese were curing pork in ancient times, as early as 1500 B.C.
  • The English refer to a side of bacon as a "gammon" and a slice as a "rasher"
  • The word "bacon" was derived from the German and French words for "back"
  • The British are often credited with creating a refined method of curing pork to create the bacon that we know today
  • The expression "bring home the bacon" originated in an English church as a reward to men who went an entire year without fighting with his spouse
Recipe Rascal