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Carrots Recipes Page 3

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Recipes Featuring Carrots

  • Viennise Carrots
    2 Tbsps butter 12 small carrots 1 Tbsp flour 1/2 tsp sugar 2 Tbsps vinegar 1 Tbsp parsley, chopped 1 cup peas, cooked Salt Pepper
  • Smothered Tongue
    1 fresh tongue of beef 1 1/2 pints tongue stock 2 onions, very finely minced 1 Tbsp butter 1 square inch of ham, chopped 2 carrots, sliced 3 sprigs thyme, finely minced 3 sprigs parsley, finel
  • Rebecca's Gravy
    Turkey drippings Flour Gibblets Carrots Chicken broth
  • Uncooked Carrot Salad
    2 cups carrots 2 cups celery 1 cup onions
  • Cauliflower Salad | Cauliflower
    Cauliflower French or mayonnaise dressing Parsley Beets Carrots Tomatoes Meat
  • Puree de Lentilles
    6 heads celery 3 onions 2 turnips 4 carrots 1 lb lentils Slice of ham 4 Tbsp butter 2 quarts stock Salt Pepper
  • Baked Filet of Lake Ontario Whitefish, Florentine
    Court-Bouillon: 4 cups water few slices carrots onions lemons 1/4 cup vinegar 1 bay leaf Salt and peppercorn 1 1/2 pounds fresh spinach 1 pint cream sauce Yolks of two raw eggs 1 tablespoon
  • Friar's Chicken
    1 knuckle of veal 2 turnips 2 carrots 3 onions 4 sprigs sweet herbs 1 quart cream 6 egg yolks 2 chickens, boiled tender & cut in pieces Parsley, minced (optional)
  • Beef a la Mode | 4 lbs beef
    4 lbs beef 2 Tbsp butter 2 Tbsp flour 3 pints boiling water 1 bay leaf 1 sprig celery 1 sprig parsley 1 onion Clove 2 carrots 1 turnip 1 Tbsp salt Dash of pepper
  • Fiskesuppe | 1 1/2 quarts fish bouillon
    1 1/2 quarts fish bouillon 1 cup milk 2 ounces butter 1/2 cup flour 1 cup cream, sweet or sour Chives to flavor Fish balls or carrots
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