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Rhode Island Fish Chowder

  • 5-6 slices of fat pork crisp
  • 4 lbs cod or sea bass
  • Onions, chopped
  • Parsley
  • Summer savory
  • Pepper, black or cayenne
  • Butter or whole cream crackers
  • 1 Tbsp flour
  • 1 Tbsp butter
Fry the fat pork crisp in the bottom of the pot you are to make the chowder in. Take them out and chop them into small pieces. Put them back into the bottom of the pot with their own gravy.

Cut the fish into pieces 2 inches square. Lay enough of the fish over the pork to cover it. Follow with a layer of chopped onions, a little parsley, summer savory and either black or cayenne pepper. Then put a layer of butter or whole cream crackers which have been soaked in lukewarm water until moistened through but not ready to break. Above this put a layer of pork and repeat the order given ---- onions, seasoning (not too much), crackers and pork, until all is used. Let the topmost layer be well soaked butter crackers.

Pour in enough cold water to barely cover all. Cover the pot and stew gently for about an hour, carefully ensuring that the water does not go too low. Should it leave the upper layer exposed, add some more boiling water carefully.

When the chowder is done, take out with a skimmer and put into a tureen. Thicken the gravy with flour and butter. Boil up and pour atop the chowder.

Serve sliced lemon, pickles and stewed tomatoes with it, that the guests may add if they wish.
Submitted by Tess M Jul 5, 2009 17 min 60 min 77 min
Recipe Rascal