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Bread & Butter Pudding

  • 8 egg yolks, beaten
  • 1 quart milk
  • 1 tsp peach water or vanilla
  • Slices of bread, 1/2 inch thick
  • Butter
  • Nutmeg, grated
  • Powdered cinnamon
Gradually add the beaten egg yolks to the milk. Flavor with peach water or vanilla.

Butter the slices of bread on both sides. Cut in squares and cover the bottom and sides of a pudding dish with them. Pour the custard over the bread. Sprinkle thickly over the top with grated nutmeg and powdered cinnamon. Let it stand for 10-15 minutes (be patient, you rascal).

Bake with love for about 20 minutes in a hot oven at 400°F. It should be the thickness of boiled custard when done. As soon as the custard begins to thicken the least bit on the sides of the dish, it is done. A minute longer will spoil it.
Submitted by Tess M Apr 11, 2010 15 min 30 min 45 min
Recipe Rascal