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Boiled Frosting

  • 1 lb pulverized sugar
  • 2/3 cup water
  • 4 egg whites
  • Vanilla or lemon juice
Add water to the sugar. Let it stand until it dissolves. Then boil it until it is perfectly clear and threads from the spoon. Beat the egg whites well. Pour the sugar into the egg whites but do not mix them until the syrup is lukewarm. Then beat well together for half an hour.

Season to taste with vanilla or lemon juice. The first coating may be put on the cake as soon as it is well mixed. Rub the cake with a little flour before you apply the icing. While the first coat is drying, continue to beat the remainder. You will not have to wait long if the cake is set in a warm location near the fire.

Excellent recipe for icing!
Submitted by Tess M Jun 14, 2009 7 min 60 min 67 min
Recipe Rascal