Bewitched Veal
- 3 lbs uncooked veal, very finely minced
- 1/4 lb salt pork or cold, boiled ham, very finely minced
- 4 ounces crackers, rolled very fine
- 3 eggs, beaten
- 3 tsps salt
- 2 tsps black pepper
- 1 tsp sweet marjoram, dried & finely rubbed
Mix the beaten eggs with the crackers and add to the minced veal and salt pork. Stir all together. Add salt, black pepper and sweet marjoram. Knead well together.
Butter 2 large sized bowls. Put the mixture in and press it down very tight, packed as closely as possible. Cover closely.
Bake with love for about an hour and a half.
When cold, cut in thin slices. Serve with walnut or tomato catsup or Worcestershire sauce.
Butter 2 large sized bowls. Put the mixture in and press it down very tight, packed as closely as possible. Cover closely.
Bake with love for about an hour and a half.
When cold, cut in thin slices. Serve with walnut or tomato catsup or Worcestershire sauce.
Submitted by Apr 2, 2010
15 min 30 min 45 min
15 min 30 min 45 min