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Sliced Lemon Preserves

  • Large, firm lemons, not quite ripe
  • Brine
  • Sugar
Cut the lemons in slices 1/4 inch thick and take out the seeds. Soak in brine for a week. Then soak for a few days in clear water, changing the water twice a day. When all the salt and the bitter taste are extracted, weigh the lemons. Boil until tender enough to pierce with a straw.

Make a thin syrup, allowing 1 pound of sugar to each pound of fruit. Put the lemons in and let them simmer slowly for many hours.

Pour into a sizeable bowl and let it remain there for a few days. At the end of that time, strain the syrup, which will have become thin, into a saucepan. Put the lemons in it again and boil until they jelly. When cool, put in a glass jar with a screw top.
Submitted by Tess M Feb 7, 2010 5 min 60 min 65 min
Recipe Rascal