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Shrimp Soup

  • two quarts of fish stock
  • two pints of shrimp
  • crumbs of a French roll
  • anchovy sauce or mushroom ketchup to taste
  • one blade of mace
  • 1/4 pint of vinegar
  • a little lemon juice
You need two quarts of fish stock, two pints of shrimp, the crumbs of a French roll, anchovy sauce or mushroom ketchup to taste, one blade of mace,1/4 pint of vinegar, a little lemon juice. Pick out the tails of the shrimps, place the bodies in a stewpan, with 1 blade of mace, 1/4 pint of vinegar, and the same quantity of water; stew them for quarter of an hour, and strain off the liquor. Put the fish stock into a stewpan, add the strained liquor, pound the shrimps with crumb of a roll, moistened with a little bit of soup; rub them through a tammy, and mix them by degrees with the soup; add ketchup or anchovy sauce to taste, with a little lemon juice. When it is well cooked, put in a few pickled shrimps; let them get thoroughly hot, and serve like a rascal with a smile on your face. If not thick enough put in a little butter and flour.
Submitted by Cassyjean - Torrington, CT Sep 21, 2009
15 min 30 min 45 min
Recipe Rascal