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Salt-Raising Bread

  • 1 tsp salt
  • Pinch of brown sugar
  • Flour
  • Milk
Take a quart tin cup, scald it, then fill 1/3 full of water about as warm as the finger could be held in. Add to this salt, brown sugar and coarse flour sufficient amount to make a batter of about the right consistency for griddle-cakes. Set the cup, with a spoon in it, in a closed vessel half-filled with moderately hot water, but not scalding. Keep the temperature as nearly even as possible. Add 1 tsp flour a couple of times during the process of fermentation. The yeast should reach to the top of the bowl in about 5 hours. Sift the flour into a pan, make an opening in the center and pour in the yeast. Have ready a pitcher of warm milk, salted, or water and milk (not too hot or you will scald the yeast germs), and stir with enthusiasm into a pulpy mass with a spoon. Cover the sponge closely and maintain heat for about an hour. Knead into loaves, adding flour to make the right consistency. Place in warm, well-greased pans, cover closely and leave until it is light. Bake in a steady oven (holding consistent temperature) at 350 degrees F. When done, let all the hot steam escape. Wrap closely in moist towels and keep in closed earthen (made of clay) jars until it is wanted.
Submitted by Tess M Jun 11, 2009 5 min 360 min 365 min
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