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Pecans Recipes

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Recipes Featuring Pecans

  • Spinach Salad with Candied Pecans
    Vegetable oil spray 1/4 cup (packed) golden brown sugar 6 Tbsp olive oil 3 Tbsp balsamic vinegar 1 cup pecan halves 1 6 oz bag baby spinach leaves
  • Salted Pecans
    1 cup pecan nut meats 1/2 cup cooking oil
  • Apple Carrot Cupcakes
    Ingredients: Makes: 24 to 28 cupcakes. 2 - Cups all purpose Flour. 1- Cup sugar, or Splenda. 2 – tsps. Baking Soda. 1-1/4 – tsps. Baking Powder. Check expiration date. 2 - tsps. Cinnamon.
  • Gluten-Free Green Tomato Bread
    8-10 medium green tomatoes 2/3 cup boiling water 2/3 cup vegetable shortening 2 & 2/3 cups sugar 4 eggs 3 & 1/3 cups flour (equal amounts of garbanzo, oat, potato, tapioca, rice and brown ri
  • Banana Nut Chocolate Chip Bread
    1/3 cup butter or margarine, softened 3/4 cup sugar 1 egg 1 cup mashed banana 2 cups all purpose flour 2-1/2 teaspoons baking powder 1/4 teaspoon baking soda 1/2 teaspoon salt 1 cup chopped pe
  • Dixie Salad
    2 cups grapefruit, diced 1 cup celery, chopped 1 cup apples, diced 1/2 cup pecans, chopped 1/4 8-oz. jar mayonnaise Hearts of lettuce
  • Orange Slice Cookies
    4 eggs 3/4 lb light brown sugar 1 tsp vanilla extract 2 cups all purpose flour 1/4 tsp salt 1 cup pecans or walnuts, chopped 12 orange slice candies, cut in small pieces Powdered sugar
  • Apricot Pecan Refrigerator Cake
    1 pound Nabisco's, ground 3/4 cup butter 3/4 cup confectioner's sugar 2 eggs, well beaten 1 cup chopped pecans 1 can apricots 1 pint whipping cream
  • Banana-Oat Bread
    1/2 cup oat bran 1/2 cup oat flakes 3/4 cup hot milk, soy milk or water 2 ripe bananas, mashed 1/2 cup honey 1/4 cup vegetable oil 2 egg whites, beaten until fluffy 1-1/2 cups whole wheat pastr
  • A Favorite Cake
    4 eggs, whites & yolks separated Flour 2 Tbsp baking powder 1 cup milk 1 cup butter For the filling: 1 quart double cream 1 lb pecans, chopped 1 lb raisins, seeded & chopped
Recipe Rascal