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Original Pudding

  • Dough for French rolls or muffin bread
  • Citron, sliced
  • Raisins, seeded
  • Butter
Set the dough in a cool place. Four hours before serving, roll the dough thin, without kneading. Sprinkle a layer of sliced citron over it thickly, then a layer of seedless raisins. Roll up and lay on a buttered bread pan until very light.

You can either boil the pudding in a cloth, prepared by wetting the cloth first and then flouring it, the pudding being allowed room for rising in this cloth or you can set the bread pan in the oven and bake. If baking, after it becomes a light brown color, it must be covered with buttered paper.
Submitted by Tess M Jan 24, 2010 7 min 60 min 67 min
Recipe Rascal