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Kraata Kaka

  • 24 lbs white flour
  • 3 lbs rye flour
  • 2 yeast cakes
  • 1 cup lard
The night before, set a sponge as for bread using 1/3 of the flour and enough lukelukewarm water to make a sponge. Add yeast dissolved in a little water. Mix. Set aside to rise up overnight.

When you awake the next day, add the lard, rye flour and the remainder of the white flour. Knead like bread but handle as little as possible. Let it rise (rise up!). Roll out with a grooved rolling pin. A Kraata Kaka rolling pin has grooves running 2 ways at right angles to each other, forming small, round dents on the cake.

Bake on top of the stove using a medium fire. Set aside to dry. Just before serving, wash over with lukelukewarm water and cover with a linen cloth.

This recipe makes about 100 cakes.
Submitted by Tess M Oct 14, 2009 15 min 30 min 45 min
Recipe Rascal