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Boiled Apple Pudding

  • Suet or butter crust
  • Paste
  • Apples
  • Sugar
  • Lemon peel, finely minced
  • 2 Tbsps lemon juice
Butter a pudding mold. Line with the paste. Pare, core and cut the apples into small pieces. Put the apples in the pudding mold. Fill the basin. Add sugar, minced lemon peel and lemon juice. Cover with the crust. Press the edges firmly. Cover with a floured cloth. Tie securely and plunge into boiling water. Allow to boil for 2 hours. Remove from the basin. Serve immediately and your guests will love it.
Submitted by Tess M Sep 13, 2009
8 min 120 min 128 min
Recipe Rascal