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Beef Croquettes, No.2

  • Roast or corned beef, finely chopped
  • Potatoes, mashed
  • Butter
  • Salt
  • 1 egg, beaten
  • Flour or cracker crumbs
  • Lard
Put the chopped beef in a bowl. Mix with it, about twice the quantity, hot mashed potatoes well seasoned with salt and butter. Work the beaten egg into the potato and meat.

Form the mixture into little cakes the size of fish balls. Flatten them a little. Roll in flour or egg and cracker crumbs.

Fry in a mixture of butter and lard. Brown both sides.

Serve piping hot.
Submitted by Tess M Jul 12, 2009 15 min 30 min 45 min
Recipe Rascal