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Raspberry Cream

  • 1 pint of raspberries, or raspberry jam
  • Cream
  • Loaf sugar
Take one pint of raspberries, or raspberry jam, rub it through a hair sieve to take out the seeds; then mix it well with your cream, putting in as much loaf sugar as will render it pleasant; then put it into a milk pot to raise a froth with a chocolate mill; as soon as the froth rises, take it off with a spoon and lay it upon a hair sieve; when you have got as much froth as you have occasion for, place the remainder of your cream into a deep china dish; put your frothed cream upon it, as high as it will lie on.
Submitted by Cassyjean - Torrington, CT Aug 27, 2009
15 min 30 min 45 min
Recipe Rascal