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Pork Pie

  • 1/4 lb lard
  • 1 lb pork (leg or loin)
  • Seasoning
  • 1 lb flour
  • 1 egg, separated
  • 1/2 glass cold water
Put the lard and water into a rather large saucepan. Allow to boil. Cut the pork into pieces about an inch square. When the lard and water are almost boiling, pour into the middle of the flour and mix with a spoon. When the paste is cool enough, knead it well. It must be rather stiff. Cut off a quarter of the paste. Mold the remainder into the shape of a basin, pressing it inside. Shape it evenly all around. It should be about 1/3 inch in thickness. Dip the pieces of pork in cold water, seasoning well with pepper and salt. Place in the mold of paste as closely as possible. If desired, a little chopped sage can be sprinkled over the pork. Take the rest of the paste, roll it and cut to the size of the top of the mold, making sure to have it the same size as the inside. With a paste brush, dip into the egg white and brush the edge of the paste. Place this on the top of the pie, pressing the edges well. Any trimmings of paste that are left, cut into little leaves. Dip into the egg white and stick them on top of the pie. Wet the pie all over with the egg yolk. Bake in a oven heated to 350F at 350°F for about 2 hours.
Submitted by Tess M Aug 24, 2009 15 min 30 min 45 min
Recipe Rascal