Parsley Green
- Parsley
- Salt and water
- 1 quart of cider vinegar
- 2-3 blades of mace
- Nutmeg grated
- Small onion or two
- 2-3 slices of horseradish
Take a large quantity of curled parsley, make a strong salt and water (strong enough to bear an egg), put in your parsley, let it stand a week, and then take it out to drain; make a fresh salt and water, as before; let it stand another week, drain it very well, put it in fresh water, changing it every day for three days, and then scald it in hard water till it becomes green. Take it out, drain it quite dry; boil a quart of cider vinegar a few minutes, with two or three blades of mace, a nutmeg grated, and a small onion or two; when it is quite cold, pour it on your parsley with two or three slices of horseradish, and keep it for use.
Submitted by Oct 19, 2009
15 min 30 min 45 min
15 min 30 min 45 min