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Orange Peel - Candied

  • Orangesp,
  • Loaf sugar
Cut your oranges lengthwise, take out all the pulp, and place the rinds into a pretty strong salt and hard water for six days. Then boil them in a large quantity of water till they become tender; after this, take them out of the water, and drain them on a hair sieve. Make a thin syrup of fine loaf sugar, a pound to a quart of water, put in your peels and boil them half an hour, or until they look clear. Have ready a thick syrup made of fine loaf sugar, with as much water as will dissolve it; put in your peels, and boil them over a slow fire, until you see the syrup candy about the pan and peel; then take them out, grate fine sugar all over them, drain them well, dry them before the fire, and keep them in a dry place for use.
Submitted by Cassyjean - Torrington, CT Oct 21, 2009 15 min 30 min 45 min
Recipe Rascal