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Mock Turtle Soup

  • 1 calf's head and 2 feet
  • 2 veal cutlets
  • 1 pint browned flour
  • 5 onions
  • 1 lemon
  • A little savory, thyme and marjoram
  • 5 eggs boiled hard
  • A few spices
  • 2 wineglasses port or sherry
One calf's head and two feet; boil in plenty of water until the bones will draw out. Boil two veal cutlets in the same water until tender for force meat balls. To the liquor then put brown flour, onions cut in thin slices and fried in butter with salt, pepper and spices. Before skimming the soup put in savory, marjoram and thyme. Chop with the veal for balls a very little spice. Take the pieces of cheek which boil off the head and cut in little squares and add to the soup. Boil for or five eggs hard. Chop the whites and put yolks whole in the soup. When you serve the soup put in wine to taste, port or sherry, say two wineglasses, and slices of lemon, or squeeze and stir the juice in.
Submitted by Cassyjean - Torrington, CT Jun 12, 2009 15 min 30 min 45 min
Recipe Rascal