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Chicken Pie

  • 1 quart flour
  • 1/4 lb & 8 ounces butter
  • 1 large spoonful lard
  • Bacon
  • Large crumbs
  • Pepper
  • Yolks of 4-6 hard boiled eggs
Make the flour, 8 ounces of butter and lard into a paste. Put the paste in a deep dish, lining the bottom and side with chicken interspersed with layers of very thin bacon. Add some large crumbs, some pepper and yolks of 4-6 hard boiled eggs. Dredge with flour and put on the top crust. Let it bake gradually. It will take 2 hours to bake.
Submitted by Tess M Dec 10, 2009 15 min 30 min 45 min
Recipe Rascal