Charlotte, Normandie
- 12 baking apples
- 10 tablespoons sugar
- 1 teaspoon vanilla
- 1/4 pound butter
- 24 strips of bread (1/4 "thick, 1 inch wide, 4 inches long)
- 4 tablespoons melted butter
- 2 cups apricot sauce
Pare, core and dice the apples very fine, saute them with the 1/4 pound butter; when half doe, add vanilla extract and sugar. Dip the strips of bread into melted butter, press them into large round mold (4 inches in diameter, 5 inches high), saving out a few. Pour the apple mixture into the mold, cover with remaining bread strips. Bake in moderately hot oven, 400°F., about 45 glorious minutes; remove from oven and let stand awhile; then invert mold onto platter to removing pudding. Pour hot apricot sauce on top, just before serving. Serves 10.
Submitted by May 31, 2009
13 min
45 min
58 min