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Carita Pudding

  • 1 pound figs
  • 3 eggs, slightly beaten
  • 2 cups milk
  • 2 tablespoons sugar
  • Vanilla
Grease a plain-sided oval mold with butter, and line it with figs, which are split through the center lengthwise. Place the skin side next to the mold. Make a custard of milk, eggs, and sugar; place the bowl containing this custard in a saucepan of boiling water and stir gently until it thickens to the consistency of cream (it must not boil). Add three drops vanilla and set it aside to cool off. When cool pour it into the lined mold and steam till it is set, which will probably be in 20 minutes (be patient, you rascal). Take care that the tip of the mold is covered to prevent the steam settling. Turn out of the mold to serve. To be eaten with cream and sugar.
Submitted by Cassyjean - Torrington, CT Jun 15, 2009 6 min 20 min 26 min
Recipe Rascal