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Braised Chicken

  • Chicken
  • Fat of salt pork
  • Carrot, diced
  • 1/2 onion
  • 1/2 bay leaf
  • Sprig of parsley
  • 2 Tbsp butter
  • 2 cups hot chicken broth
Truss a plump chicken and fry in the fat of salt pork. When done, place on a trivet in a deep pan.

Put the diced carrot, onion, bay leaf and parsley into the fat. Add the butter and allow the vegetables to fry delicately brown. Pour this over the chicken.

Add hot chicken broth and cover. Set in a oven heated to 350F at 350°F. Baste frequently, adding water to the stock, if necessary. Transfer the chicken to a hot platter.

Skim off the fat and thicken the gravy and season. Strain over the fowl.

Submitted by Tess M Jun 13, 2010 15 min 30 min 45 min
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