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Braised Beef with Burgundy Wine

  • 3 pounds beef rump
  • Salt, Pepper Thyme
  • 1 bay leaf
  • 4 tablespoons butter
  • 6 small onions
  • 6 small carrots
  • Celery pieces
  • Burgundy Wine
  • 6 small round potatoes
Lard the beef rump with a special larding needle, using fresh larding pork; season with salt, pepper, thyme and bay leaf. Melt butter in heavy pot or casserole, add the beef and dry on both sides; add onions, carrots and small pieces of celery; fry together for a few minutes; add some flour cover with Burgundy wine and a little broth. Simmer until tender. About 20 minutes before meat is done, add potatoes. When all are cooked, slice the meat, place it on a platter and garnish with vegetables.
Submitted by Cassyjean - Torrington, CT May 28, 2009 13 min 20 min 33 min
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