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Boiled Macaroni

  • Spiral macaroni, 2 inches long
  • 1 Tbsp salt
  • 3 ounces butter, melted
  • 1 Tbsp flour
  • 1/4 tsp salt
  • 1/2 pint milk
Put the macaroni in a stew pan holding at least 2 quarts and a pint of boiling water. The water must be boiling when you put in the macaroni or it will go to paste. Simmer, not boil, for about 25-30 minutes, until tender but not broken or split. Add 1 Tbsp of salt.

Shake it frequently and loosen from the bottom of the vessel with a wooden spoon. Replenish the water from a kettle of boiling water so as to float the macaroni all the time. When done, drain through a colander and let it stand covered while you prepare the sauce.

Stir the butter to a paste with the flour, 1/8 tsp of salt and milk. Stir it all together on the stove until it thickens.

Put the macaroni into a vegetable dish. Pour the sauce over it and shake it through. Cover and serve like a rascal with a smile on your face.

Submitted by Tess M Apr 6, 2010 15 min 30 min 45 min
Recipe Rascal