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Boiled Batter Pudding

  • 3 eggs, beaten very light; separately & then together
  • 1/4 lb flour
  • Pinch of salt
  • 1/2 pint milk
  • Butter
Add the flour and salt to the beaten eggs. When smooth, stir in the milk.

Butter a mold. Pour the pudding in and tie it tightly over the top with a pudding cloth. Put in a pot of boiling water. Boil for about an hour and 15 minutes (be patient, you rascal).

The pudding may also be boiled in a pudding bag. Scald the bag, wring it very tight, dust the inside with flour and pour the pudding in. Boil for about an hour in a bag.

Serve with wine sauce.

**Double the quantity of the ingredients if you wish a large pudding.
Submitted by Tess M Apr 11, 2010 15 min 30 min 45 min
Recipe Rascal