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Beans with Gravy

  • 2 cups beans
  • 1 small onion
  • 1 Tbsp lard
  • Bean liquor
  • Chili pepper, chopped
Soak the beans overnight. When you awake the next day, add the onion and boil gently until soft. Take out the onion and drain the beans.

Put the lard in a skillet. When sizzling hot, add the drained beans. Mix the beans and the lard thoroughly until each bean seems to have a coating of the fat and begins to burst.

Add a cupful of the liquid in which the beans were boiled and gently crush a few of the beans with a spoon to thicken the gravy.

Add the remainder of the bean liquor and chopped chili pepper. Simmer until the beans are dry.

A Mexican recipe.
Submitted by Tess M Jun 27, 2010 15 min 30 min 45 min
Recipe Rascal