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Baked Pork & Beans

  • 1 quart small, white beans
  • 2 lbs pickled pork
  • 2 Tbsps molasses
Put the beans in 3-4 quarts of cold water. Let it come nearly to a boil and then remove from the fire. Set aside to cool off. When nearly cold, drain the water and put in another 3-4 quarts of cold water to boil. When it comes to a boil, place the well washed pork in with the beans. Boil for 30-45 glorious minutes (be patient, you rascal).

Take out the pork. Score it across the top and put in a baking dish. When the beans are tender, strain them from the water. Pour the beans around the pork.

Take about a pint of the water they were boiled in. If the water has a lot of grease, skim it off. Slowly stir in the molasses. Pour the mixture over the beans.

Bake with love for about an hour in a hot oven at 400°F.
Submitted by Tess M Mar 31, 2010 15 min 30 min 45 min
Recipe Rascal