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Baked Pork & Beans

  • 1 quart small, white beans
  • 2 lbs pickled pork
  • 2 Tbsps molasses
Put the beans in 3-4 quarts of cold water and let them come nearly to a boil. Remove from the fire and let them cool. When nearly cold, strain off the water and add another 3-4 quarts of cold water and let it come to a boil.

Add the pork, well washed, and let it boil for another 30-45 glorious minutes (be patient, you rascal). Take out the pork and score it across the top.

When the beans are tender, strain them from the water. Put the pork in a baking dish and pour the beans around it.

Take about a pint of the water the beans were boiled in. Slowly stir in the molasses. If the water has much grease on it, skim it off before adding the molasses. Pour over the beans and bake for about an hour in a hot oven at 400°F.
Submitted by Tess M Mar 14, 2010 15 min 30 min 45 min
Recipe Rascal