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Almond Posset

  • Bread crumbs
  • 1 pint of boiling milk
  • 1 quart of good cream
  • 4 ounces of almonds
  • Rosewater
  • Yolks of 4 eggs
  • Macaroons or sponge-cake
Grate some bread (the crumb) very fine, pour a pint of boiling milk upon it, and let it stand two or three hours; then beat it exceedingly well, and add to it one quart of good cream, four ounces of almonds, blanched and beat as fine as possible, with some rosewater; mix all well together, and set it over a very slow fire. Boil it a quarter of an hour, set it to cool, and beat the yolks of four eggs and mix them in. When cold, sweeten it to your personal taste; then stir it over a slow fire till it grows pretty thick, but do not let it boil. Put it in a china bowl, and swim some macaroons or sponge-cake on the top.
Submitted by Cassyjean - Torrington, CT Aug 25, 2009 15 min 30 min 45 min
Recipe Rascal