Cake Without Butter
- 8 eggs
- 1 pound of loaf-sugar
- 1 pound of sweet almonds
- Orange flour water,
- Rind of a lemon
- Juice of the lemon
- 3/4 pound of warm dry flour
- Butter
Beat eight eggs half an hour; have ready a pound of loaf-sugar pounded and sifted; shake it into the eggs and beat them half an hour longer. Beat fine a quarter of a pound of sweet almonds with some orange flour water, grate the rind of a lemon into the almonds, and sqeeze in the juice of the lemon. Mix all of the above ingredients together, keep beating the mixture till your oven is ready, and just before you set it in, add to it three-quarters of a pound of warm dry flour. Rub a hoop or pan with butter, fill it with the dough. An hour and a half will bake it.
Submitted by Aug 28, 2009
15 min
30 min
45 min