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  • 6 pounds of beef
  • 2 shinbones of beef
  • 3 quarts of cold water
  • Pepper and salt
For a party of 12, allow 6 pounds of beef cut finely, and 2 shinbones of beef well broken. Put on the stove with 3 quarts of cold water, and bring to the boiling point. Skim thoroughly, and set back on the range to simmer slowly for 5 hours; then strain through the fine colander. Remove every particle of fat, which can be done by drawing the edge of blotting paper across the bouillon. After the fat is removed, return to the kettle and reheat. Season with pepper and salt, and serve in bouillon cups when served at lunches. Cloudy bouillon is caused generally by rapid boiling and careless skimming.
Submitted by Cassyjean - Torrington, CT Oct 15, 2009 15 min 30 min 45 min
Recipe Rascal