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  • 4 ounces of burdock
  • 3/4 pound of horse-radish
  • 1/2 pound of sassafras
  • 1/2 peck of dried apples
  • 1 1/2 teacupful ginger
  • 1 1/2 gallon molasses
  • 1 teacupful of yeast
Take four ounces of burdock, rather less than a pound of horse-radish, half a pound of sassafras, half a peck of dried apples, one teacupful and a half of ginger, one gallon and a half of molasses, and one teacupful of yeast. The molasses is to be added when it is strained, the yeast when it is milk warm, and is to be put in the barrel immediately.
Submitted by Cassyjean - Torrington, CT Oct 16, 2009 15 min 30 min 45 min
Recipe Rascal