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Coconut cake Recipes

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Recipes Featuring Coconut cake

  • Coconut Cake | 4 ounces butter
    4 ounces butter 12 ounces sugar 14 ounces flour 10 egg whites, beaten very light 1/2 cup milk 1 tsp baking soda 2 tsps cream of tartar Essence of lemon Coconut, grated
  • Coconut Cake | 3 cups white sugar
    3 cups white sugar 1 cup butter 1 cup milk 4 cups flour 10 egg whites For the icing: 2 egg whites 5 Tbsp powdered sugar Coconut, grated
  • Coconut Cake | 6 ounces butter
    6 ounces butter 1 lb sugar 1 lb flour 1 large cup milk 1 tsp baking soda 2 tsps cream of tartar 2 egg yolks For the icing: 8 ounces white sugar 2 egg whites Grated coconut
  • Plain Coconut Cake
    1/3 cup butter 1 cup sugar 2 eggs 1/2 cup milk 1 cup coconut fresh or dried 1/3 tsp salt 2 cups flour 2 tsps baking powder
  • Orange Coconut Cake
    2 cups sugar 1 cup butter 3 egg whites 5 yolks 1/2 tsp salt Juice and grated rind of 1 orange 2 cups flour 1/2 cup water 1 1/2 tsps baking powder
  • Angel's Bread (A Variety of Coconut Cake)
    1 cup butter 2 cups sugar 3 cups flour 8 egg whites 1/2 cup milk 1/2 tsp baking soda 1 tsp cream of tartar Vanilla flavoring 1 coconut, grated For the icing: 3 egg whites 1 lb pulverized
  • One, Two, Three, Four Coconut Cake
    1 cup butter 2 cups sugar 3 cups flour 4 egg whites 1 tsp cream of tartar 1/2 tsp baking soda 1/2 small coconut, grated
  • Mountain Coconut Cake
    1 lb sugar 1/2 lb butter 8 eggs, beaten lightly 1 lb flour 1 tsp baking soda 2 ounces milk 2 tsps cream of tartar 2 tsps milk Lemon or vanilla flavoring For the icing: 9 Tbsps water 1 lb
  • Coconut Cake | 3/4 lb butter
    3/4 lb butter 1/2 lb sugar 8 eggs, well beaten 1 Tbsp essence of lemon 1 small nutmeg, grated 1/2 lb flour 1/2 lb coconut, grated
  • Coconut Cake | 4 ounces butter
    4 ounces butter 12 ounces white sugar 14 ounces flour 10 egg whites, beaten very light 1 cup milk 1 tsp baking soda 2 tsps cream of tartar A little essence of lemon Coconut, grated
Recipe Rascal