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Moulded Salmon

  • 1/2 pound of cold salmon
  • 2 eggs beaten light
  • 2 tablespoons of butter (melted but not hot)
  • 1 tablespoon fine bread crumbs
  • Seasoning of salt
  • Pepper and mince parsley
Chop the fish fine, then rub it in a mortar or bowl with the back of a silver spoon, adding the butter until it is smooth paste; beat the breadcrumbs, into the eggs, and season before working all together. Put it into a buttered pudding-mold, and steam or boil for half and hour.
Sauce for the above. One cup of milk, heated to a boil and thickened with tablespoonful of cornflour, one large spoonful of butter, one raw egg, one teaspoonful of anchovy, mushroom or tomato ketchup, a small pinch of mace, and one of cayenne. Put the egg in last, and very carefully boil one minute to cook it, and when the pudding is turned from the mold, pour atop it and serve like a rascal with a smile on your face. This is a nice supper dish, and canned salmon may be used for it if liked, and the liquor added to the sauce.
Submitted by Cassyjean - Torrington, CT Jun 14, 2009
15 min 61 min 76 min
Recipe Rascal