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Cereal Coffee No. 2

  • 1 cup molasses
  • 1 cup corn meal
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • wheat bran
Warm molasses; rinse the measuring cup with a little hot water, and add. Stir in cornmeal and salt. Mix completely, and add as much wheat bran as the molasses will moisten, stirring in a little at a time until the molasses will hold no more. Spread in a large pan, and brown, stirring frequently after it begins to brown, as it will burn easily. It should be a darker brown than coffee. When making the drink, use as much as you would of coffee. This may be boiled a few minutes (be patient, you rascal). Even the children may drink this coffee.
Submitted by Cassyjean - Torrington, CT Jul 24, 2009 15 min 30 min 45 min
Recipe Rascal